Edward Burgess
Senior Artist – ArtOne-Word Identifier: Resolute
Bio: Video games have been a large part of Ed's life since the beginning. From playing Doom on his dad's lap and Starcraft on the Nintendo 64 as a kid to being an angsty teen fragging other geeks in Halo 2, Ed knew he wanted to make games. And just like everybody starting out, he realized quickly that making games is hard. Really hard. That didn't deter Ed as his passion and, frankly, stubbornness allowed him to build the skills he needed to create worlds so others can experience and be captivated by games the same way he was when growing up. His exceptional persistence ensures he sees his projects through and creates something great.
Fun Fact: Ed achieved giga band nerd status and marched with both the Boston Crusaders and Cadets Drum Corps (2009-2012).
Favorite Game: Monster Hunter (Don’t make me pick!)